
You deserve to feel safe in your home, neighborhood, the places you shop, and the schools your children go to. Crime used to be isolated to certain areas, you knew where those areas were in the county and you stayed out of them. Now no matter where you live or go, your met with car prowls, shoplifting, robberies, burglaries and a myriad of other crimes. You can’t even get the items you need on a daily basis due to them being locked behind plexiglass. Crime has become such an issue in the county that people are actually becoming numb to it. We are literally the frogs put in cold water, the water is heating up and we don’t even know it.

You should be able to go for an evening walk with your children in your neighborhoods. Not be afraid to shop at night due to the broken down cars, drug transactions and the predators looking to rob and steal. You should be able to drive to your destinations, without the anger and road rages that are a daily occurrence. We live in fear each and every day, and the strain is showing. If we don’t act now, together, things will only get worse. We, the Sheriff’s Department, can’t do it alone, we need your help. I know we can turn the tide and make Pierce County a great place to live and raise your family. Like the motto says, “We are stronger together!”

Download a copy of Mike Csapo's
4 Year Staffing and Development Plan


On August 8, 2024 vote for
Mike Csapo for Pierce County Sheriff